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How Insurers Can Improve Submit to Quote with Submission Triage Blog
Between high volumes of submissions, a tight talent market, and other industry challenges, it’s easy for underwriting teams to become overwhelmed and overtaxed. To keep underwriters focused and efficient, insurers

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Core Systems Are More Critical Than Ever for Enabling Digital Transformation
A research report from ReSource Pro Consulting examines core systems deals completed in 2022 from 18 of the top solution providers in the market today. The research suggest that the

byTom Benton

Whether you’re looking to improve certain aspects of your insurance operations that aren’t meeting expectations or simply want to take them to the next level, it can be tough to

byResource Pro Editorial Team

From rising customer expectations to talent shortages, today’s employee benefits insurance brokers are being challenged to find new ways to operate more efficiently, increase profitability and elevate the customer experience.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Only a few months ago, it was easy to tell the difference between human- and AI-generated content; today, the task is far more difficult. Experimentation with the technologies is mandatory.

byMark Breading

One of the Top 25 property and casualty insurance agencies in the U.S. was selling level-funded health insurance plans to its business customers. These plans are often marketed as lower-risk

byResource Pro Editorial Team

As more insurance agencies warm to the idea of implementing automation, their next priority should be understanding how to make automation work successfully. To achieve the greatest return on investment,

byJustin Reisinger

Commercial Lines Distribution: Agencies and Carriers Diverge On Digital Investment Priorities
ReSource Pro surveyed agency executives in commercial lines to understand their satisfaction with insurers’ digital sales, servicing offerings and the capabilities they believe insurers should invest in to support their

byMark Breading

When first starting business in the non-admitted market, the to-do list of compliance tasks can feel intimidating. There are lots of new requirements and procedures to master, and the stakes

byResource Pro Editorial Team

With economic challenges ahead and competition for talent high, companies must focus on not just hiring new employees but retaining their most experienced and productive ones. Here are five tips

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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