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As the talent crisis persists and technology continues to evolve, how are insurance organizations responding, and what are their plans for the future? Research conducted by ReSource Pro this year

bySusan Touissant and Mark Breading

After serving 31 years in the Navy, Rear Admiral John Spencer chose not to retire but instead embarked on a second career in the insurance industry.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Today’s claims leaders face a paradox: parts to fix vehicles cost more and are harder to get; building materials to repair damaged homes are also in short supply and rising
You’ve just finished processing a stack of surplus lines policy filings or a premium tax report or two. A normal response is, "Phew! I’m glad THAT’s over". Be careful, though;

byResource Pro Editorial Team

AI is poised to transform much of our world, and it is wise for insurance professionals to understand developments and dive in to get hands-on experience. However, exactly what role

byMark Breading

Is Uncertainty on Automation Keeping Your Agency from Growth Opportunities?
' Recent research by ReSource Pro Consulting on digital strategies in mid/large commercial lines shows many agencies are uncertain about the impact of some forms of automation. This uncertainty could

byMark Breading

In Agency Freedom’s podcast, James Jenkins interviews Mark Breading, Consulting Partner at ReSource Pro, to discuss his views on distribution trends, technology disruption, and data. Here are some highlights from

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Roadblock Ahead! MGAs’ Digital Plans Encounter Technology and Cultural Hurdles
' New research from ReSource Pro Consulting indicates MGAs face several roadblocks when investing and deploying new technology capabilities. MGAs are tackling various technology initiatives spanning distribution, internal operations, and

byHeather Turner

7 Ways Agents and Brokers can Reduce EO Risk
E&O can be costly for insurance agencies. The best defense against E&O liability is to stick to the basics: Encourage your producers and account managers to improve their technical knowledge;

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Q&A with Josh Levine
' As insurance buyers’ expectations continue to rise, driven by new data and technology, many insurance organizations are falling behind. To take a closer look at the state of customer

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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