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MGA Market Boom
A new ReSource Pro research report examines the channel distribution plans of MGAs in 2023, including their current partnerships, how they expect distribution to change in the next few years,

byMark Breading

The insurance industry continues to find itself in a talent crisis. The workforce challenges we are facing are not entirely new. Some of them are the lasting impact of the

byMeredith Barnes-Cook

Lean Process Mapping
Lean process mapping is a Lean management tool that involves breaking a process into step-by-step instructions and creating a flowchart to identify areas where work can be streamlined or eliminated.

byPhilip Vallido and Karie Wood

Once a business registers with the Secretary of State’s Office in a domicile or foreign jurisdiction, it needs to keep that information current. It’s common for various business types to

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Fatima Dean, Director of Client Development, wrote for Insurance Journal about how technology is impacting underwriting and how underwriters can adapt.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Governance is a critical part of any business, whether it’s a small startup or a global enterprise. A solid governance structure can have a range of benefits, from attracting investors
There are three ways insurance companies are and can leverage the power of AI: automation, augmentation, and action – the three “As.” However, there remain concerns over the use of

byMark Breading

ReSource Pro Consulting’s Mark Breading sat down with a panel of several other industry leaders to talk about the profound impact of new technologies on the insurance workplace. In this

byResource Pro Editorial Team

' Technology, changing customer expectations, and economic challenges are reshaping insurance distribution. Our latest research offers insight into retail agencies’ current channel partnerships, future channel plans, and expectations for changes

byHeather Turner

From the changing behaviors and expectations of the future customer to the shifting global issues around climate and geopolitical risks, the insurance industry will need to adapt to the intensifying

byMark Breading

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