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ReSource Pro’s Fatima Dean, Director of Client Development, joins industry experts in a discussion with AM Best’s John Weber about the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in insurance underwriting at

byResource Pro Editorial Team

To gain a closer look at property and casualty insurers’ plans for attracting, retaining, and reskilling employees in today’s challenging environment, we surveyed over 40 executives at P&C insurers across

byResource Pro Editorial Team

ReSource Pro is excited to introduce Beth Taylor as our new Senior Vice President and Global Head of Marketing. With an impressive background spanning over 18 years in global B2B

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Insurtech Innovation: Alive and Well in Israel!
In the midst of academic debates on the global insurtech landscape, one undeniable truth shines through: Israel's insurtech innovation is thriving, boasting a remarkable ecosystem of 180 vibrant companies. This

byMark Breading

There are several reasons why these plans can be problematic for both employers and their employees. In this blog, we’ll address the differences between a self-funded and fully insured health

byFrank Pennachio

How Strategies Are Evolving in a Competitive Technology Talent Market
A new research report from ReSource Pro examines how insurance tech vendors’ strategies are evolving in the competitive labor market. Insurance vendors are increasingly recognizing the critical role of talent

byTom Benton

While newer entrants to the insurance ecosystem bring fresh and innovative perspectives that challenge established norms, insurance experience remains crucial for sustained and impactful innovation. A healthy combination of both

byMeredith Barnes-Cook

Inc 5000
ReSource Pro is thrilled to have been named to the 2023 Inc. 5000 list, which the top 1% of fastest growing companies in the US. This year marks our 14th

byResource Pro Editorial Team

5 Unexpected Tasks When Registering as a Foreign Entity
When an insurance agency begins soliciting or transacting business outside its domicile state, it may need to register as a foreign entity with the Secretary of State’s Offices. It’s common

byResource Pro Editorial Team

5 Pro Tips for Compliance During M&A
Despite economic stresses, M&A activity remains a popular growth strategy for the insurance industry. However, overlooking regulatory compliance considerations in the planning and execution phases may lead to lengthy delays

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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