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All the fishes are following the red fish as it is the leading fish and they are all heading toward a new destination to live in.
Millennials, those born after 1982, want companies they join to focus on improving society, according to Deloitte’s 2015 Millennial Survey.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A group of business people celebrating their award by jumping and shouting they won.
CEO Dan Epstein is one of 10 leaders to be named to Insurance Business America magazine’s list of Hot 100 people in the insurance industry.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A business woman is using her technological tools to communicate with the clients.
If you want to hire, sell to, or in any way reach individuals born between the years of 1980 and 1996, you need to develop your digital presence.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

The latest version of a drone flying in clear blue skies.
The Federal Aviation Administration has banned most commercial drone use, but insurers are hoping to receive exemptions.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Hiring manager is shaking the hand of the candidate who is about to interview.
From your phones to your web presence you need to commit to adapting your business to show Millennials you have a dynamic business culture.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A group of young millennial ready to listen to what you have to say.
It’s time to take a new look at marketing from the perspective of the next generation and see if your technology is fit for prospective clients.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

The team is having a meeting to see how they could be more productive for the upcoming project.
Learn the top insights from the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (Big “I”) Best Practices Survey to help improve your performance.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Wooden background with big white letters that say storytelling.
Skilled storytelling has always been a way to convey important messages, but recently its been recognized as a critical strategic business tool.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A person is holding a why card to show the person infront of him the most important aspect of business is to always question yourself.
If you find a good solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Road surrounded by trees blending together as a risk ahead sign shows up.
Guy Carpenter emphasizes the “opportunities” created by emerging exposures. Here are the key takeaways from his Emerging Risks 2014 Report.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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