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A man has found the best way to have success in his new project.
Dan talks about the importance of the processes that lie behind all activities and how they need to align with a focused and coherent strategy.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A young business woman balancing too many papers in her hands.
Insurers who successfully grapple with changes that are underway will have a significant advantage in an increasingly competitive landscape.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A group of business people in the background that are speaking to each other but one of them is the leader and stands out in the front.
Independent insurance agents and brokers remain the dominant force in commercial lines and rival direct writers and captives in personal lines.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

There are so many data that show the significant factors influencing the insurance industry.
To cope with the demand for forward movement in the data sphere, insurers must make organizational changes to achieve their analytics goals.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A man is showing new technology that could be used for the company in the future.
To drive adoption of technology, you must understand what motivates the users and what kills buy-in, according to a posting on Property Casualty 360.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Big red warning sign indicating danger ahead.
With ongoing advances in digital communications and mobile access to data records, insurance agents need to reconsider their liability coverage.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A group of professional millennials leaning up against the walk smiling and excited to work.
43% of employees in their 20s and 30s are planning to look for a new job this year! Find out what Millenial hires want out of their jobs.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Business man predicting future outcomes by drawing an increasing line on bar graphs.
The view a decade out holds some amazing opportunities for insurance agencies, according to a LOMA survey of industry leaders.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

There are three men and women in which they are marketing team and is looking to have success.
Millennials’ aspirations and attitudes toward skills and the desirability of employment in specific industry sectors vary based on gender. Here’s why.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A person is trying to invest on a company with the money he has, but is not sure if he should do it or not.
Underwriting and premium growth are natural go-to operations, but can they make up for what could be continuing anemia in the capital markets?

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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