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A person is looking at the charts to see which aspect of the company had the most issue over the last year.
To navigate the world of P&C insurance requires a highly complex and fragmented web of partners. Read more to learn how to sort through it.
The year 2017 large in aqua while the background is dark blue and has widgets floating signifying productivity.
It's been a very memorable year! Here's to continued collaboration in 2018.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A person is driving the road safely to get to his destination.
Mission-Driven Management is important for business growth and profitability in the insurance industry. Read more to learn how businesses get there.
The robot is talking to the person in front of the laptop and the speech bubbles are showing up.
ReSource Pro’s IX Center is constantly pushing itself to rethink the Insured Experience through the digital lens, especially with the rise of AI.
Money is falling to the bottom of the stopwatch and the time will be out when all of the money on top is at the bottom.
Read the full Operations Advisory case study to learn how ReSource Pro reduced annual processing time by 12%, while increasing profitability.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A young black belt man who is practicing karate by punching a fist in the air.
Black belts are great when it comes to martial arts but I don’t like them when it comes to ‘Six Sigma Black Belts’. Here is why.
Hurricane hitting the earth at a very fast rate.
The destruction caused by epic hurricanes recently has brought to light how important business continuity planning is to insurance organizations.
A person is using a new technology to see if it will make his work more productive.
We recently asked some of our own experts to talk on how disruptive technology trends are impacting the insurance industry and outsourcing.

byChristopher Watkins

A teammate is helping the last person to climb up the mountain to reach their goal.
By standardizing procedures, you can ensure that everyone in the organization is doing things in the most effective and efficient way possible.

byViolet Xu

Citrus fruit cut in fourths and each section is a different bright color.
ReSource Pro found that more than 50% of all accounts had revenues that were below the average renewal processing cost. Find out how to avoid it!

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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