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The trophy is for the winner of the insurance competition that occurred yesterday.
Congratulations to our everyone who had a hand in supporting our clients following Hurricane Harvey – because of you, we won three Stevie Awards!

byResource Pro Editorial Team

If you’ve been in the insurance industry for long, you’ve seen references to the NAIC and NIPR. These two organizations play a fundamental role in regulating our industry.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Two people are talking over the cup to see if they can hear it clearly.
Gemba-huh? Founder and Chief Operating Officer, Matt Bruno schools you on how to talk the talk and walk the gemba walk.

byMatthew Bruno

Hiring manager is looking over a candidates resume and stamped hired on top of it.
Everyone knows that first impressions count, but some forget that last impressions are just as important (if not more so)!
2018 surrounded by gears
It's been a very memorable year! Here's to continued collaboration in 2019.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

There are different icons that show what will happen during the flight of the CEO.
There are a lot of lessons to be learned from hero Captain Sully – one of the most important is the art of multitasking.
If the individual license for an agency’s Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP) lapses, it puts the agency’s license at jeopardy. Here's what to do if your license renewal deadline has

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A hacker dressed in black trying to get into a secured computer that has access to finances.
Is your data at risk of being taken hostage? If you use a computer, the answer is yes. Patrick Costello tells you how to boost your cybersecurity.
For producers and compliance professionals alike, professional designations show your commitment to your insurance career. Furthermore, they can open doors to a new job or promotion to a leadership role

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A person is holding a mini stack of cash to show how he can shrink anything.
There are some things in life that you might want to be smaller (waistlines, computers, dogs) but profit margin is never one of them.

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