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Surplus lines compliance requires careful attention to detail and adhering to a sometimes bewildering variety of state requirements. Keeping the essentials in mind and understanding the why behind these requirements

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Human holding magnifying glass looking at charts and graphs
ReSource Pro conducted a survey to see what sales & service departments really think of one another. Here is a sneak peek!

byFrank Pennachio

The dinosaur is on the ground looking for things to eat around.
With the surge of M&A activity happening among insurance agencies, will independent agents be around in the next era?

byScott Wilson

Ethnically diverse group of people piecing together a navy blue puzzle.
Mergers and Acquisitions can bring about another kind of M&A: Mayhem and Agitation. Read about how to clear the path for scalable growth.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

First place ribbon for the best interns ever!
ReSource Pro celebrates National Intern Day! Our interns have no doubt contributed to company operations, and we thank them for their work.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

The person is not allowed to invest any money anymore as he has been losing so much money for the company investing on the wrong startups.
Want to kill your profitability? We didn’t think so! Read more to discover how Sales and Service must work together to keep your bottom line alive.

byFrank Pennachio

A person is standing on top of the broken bridge to see what he needs to do in order to get across it without jumping.
Every organization has values, but do they unite your Sales and Service teams? Frank Pennachio shows how to use them to transform your agency.

byFrank Pennachio

The trophy is for the winner of the insurance competition that occurred yesterday.
Congratulations to the winners of the US Insurance Awards! We were honored to be finalists in the Insurance Consulting Group of the Year category.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A person is holding a small star and says that the person who has the most success would be able to get the star.
Take a trip down memory lane as Laurie Ranegar reflects on what has changed in the industry over the decades as we've moved to digital.
Other than the agents who sell them their policy, the insurance professionals who have the most contact with policy holders are adjusters. If you don’t work in claims, however, you

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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