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We spoke with productivity expert Stephanie Houston, who joined the Operations Advisory team in 2019 after 10 years in the property and casualty insurance industry. Here are some amazing personal

byResource Pro Editorial Team

More than eight months into the shift to remote work, new challenges could threaten customer service levels in insurance once again. Here’s how you can better support your remote teams
At ReSource Pro, we process thousands of insurance policies every month on behalf of our clients. In 2018 alone, we discovered more than 4.5 million discrepancies. Here are the three

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A hacker dressed in black trying to get into a secured computer that has access to finances.
The U.S. government issued a warning this week about increased ransomware attacks on healthcare organizations. Here’s what you need to stay prepared.
In our new series, ReSource Pro Tips, we share the personal and organizational productivity hacks of top insurance professionals and thought leaders. We’re kicking off with Steve Anderson, co-author of

byResource Pro Editorial Team

We’ve seen recessions before, but not like this. Here are answers to insurance professionals’ four biggest questions about the economy.

byFrank Pennachio

ReSource Pro’s Boot Camp is going virtual this November 9-10. From networking with other insurance professionals to learning new strategies to improve your organization, here are six reasons to attend

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Certificates of insurance can be a vital moment of truth for insureds, yet are often delegated to entry level employees. Here’s why most solutions to certificate requests fail.

byBrenda Grow

Four people with different races are trying to work together as a team to make the project successful.
Have you ever felt like you weren’t being heard at a meeting? We’ve all been there, but for some it’s a chronic issue, and can hold us back professionally. Having

byResource Pro Editorial Team

One of the key technologies powering insurance innovation today is optical character recognition (OCR). Learn how OCR can be used to cut insurance processing times significantly through automation.

byJustin Reisinger

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