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Advancements in AI and machine learning are transforming the insurance industry, boosting efficiency and enhancing customer experiences. However, Dan Epstein, CEO of ReSource Pro, warns that over-customization is becoming a concern. While personalization is important, too much customization can undermine insurance productivity and create organizational chaos.
Resource Pro Editorial Team
Mark Breading, Senior Partner at ReSource Pro, joined Yale Benvenisti of InsurTech Israel to discuss the current state of partnerships in insurance, and where insurtech fits in. Their biggest focus? How collaborations between insurtech innovators and established players are reshaping the global insurance landscape.
Resource Pro Editorial Team
ReSource Pro is honored to be among the 2021 winners for helping our clients navigate the pandemic with minimal business interruptions.
byResource Pro Editorial Team
Today, customer experience remains as important as ever to the success of your business, yet the customer journey has changed. Customers expect fast, high-touch service. Here’s how you can deliver.
byCheryl Kusick
Whether you’ve already begun your automation journey or just thinking about starting one, consider these three steps you’ll need to take to automate successfully.
byChristopher Watkins
Automation can save you time, but it won’t always save you money. Most company leaders know where, when, how, and why they can apply the technology, but when it comes
byChristopher Watkins
As you prepare to file a surplus lines policy with state regulators—and, depending on the state, make your premium tax payment—it’s likely you’ll use the declaration (or DEC) page as
byResource Pro Editorial Team
Blockchain made its first big splash with the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. But how can this complex technology be applied to insurance and will it succeed in becoming the
byChristopher Watkins
Sathya Sethuraman is the Director of Global Insurance Practice at UiPath, a leading robotic process automation vendor. We sat down with him to take a closer look at the trends
byResource Pro Editorial Team
The future of work and technology is exciting, but for insurance agencies, new changes in the way our economy functions will likely shake up books of business.
byFrank Pennachio
Once you’ve established your office, and found your ideal staff, how can you manage to cut down on your office budget?
byResource Pro Editorial Team
In the face of 2020’s many challenges, our teams still found ways to learn and grow. We asked ReSource Pro employees to share some of their top lessons learned this
byResource Pro Editorial Team
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