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Learn how one broker successfully increased the profitability of their small accounts by leveraging ReSource Pro’s onshore, licensed professionals of ExpressIX.
Strategy Meets Action was recently acquired by ReSource Pro, and we’re thrilled to share Deb Smallwood's insights as an industry vet with a career-long devotion to the digital transformation of

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Hear from Steve Discher, a 35-year insurance veteran who says he loves the industry because, “It’s a great analytical sandbox to operate within.”

byResource Pro Editorial Team

In 2021, the underinsurance crisis represents an opportunity for agencies to not only create better outcomes for insureds but differentiate themselves from the competition and grow revenue through cross-selling and

byFrank Pennachio

For insurance agents, 2021 presents an opportunity to better prepare clients for the next adverse event, yet many aren’t doing so.

byFrank Pennachio

ReSource Pro is honored to be among the 2021 winners for helping our clients navigate the pandemic with minimal business interruptions.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Today, customer experience remains as important as ever to the success of your business, yet the customer journey has changed. Customers expect fast, high-touch service. Here’s how you can deliver.

byCheryl Kusick

Whether you’ve already begun your automation journey or just thinking about starting one, consider these three steps you’ll need to take to automate successfully.

byChristopher Watkins

Automation can save you time, but it won’t always save you money. Most company leaders know where, when, how, and why they can apply the technology, but when it comes

byChristopher Watkins

As you prepare to file a surplus lines policy with state regulators—and, depending on the state, make your premium tax payment—it’s likely you’ll use the declaration (or DEC) page as

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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