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' Direct distribution models in personal lines have gained traction and market share over the last two decades. The insurtech movement has now presented new options for digital distribution, such

byMark Breading

As the effects of the pandemic continue to play out, Strategy Meets Action (SMA) research indicates that commercial lines insurers are reprioritizing their tech-oriented projects, with some plans continuing to

byHeather Turner

The insurance industry has shifted its priorities in response to changing consumer demands, altered business patterns, and the ongoing workforce revolution. Recent Strategy Meets Action research revealed business drivers pushing

byMark Breading

Talent has been a front and center topic in boardrooms across the U.S. amid the pandemic, widespread resignations, a labor shortage, and other trends challenging the recruitment and retention of

byKaren Furtado

In a recent webinar sponsored by ReSource Pro, Strategy Meets Action’s Mark Breading moderated a panel discussion with several insurance industry leaders, who spoke about the talent challenges facing their

byResource Pro Editorial Team

' The personal lines segment is known for leading the charge with innovations and technologies – a reputation that only strengthened during the pandemic. Personal line insurers were poised to
Administrative work and data processing are essential to running a business smoothly, but they can also frustrate & bog down employees. Find out how we helped one of the world’s

byResource Pro Editorial Team

ReSource Pro Consulting's recent research report revealed that although there is a strong effort by insurers to provide true digital payment experiences, many continue to operate with outdated processes that

byKaren Furtado

Although the pandemic helped accelerate innovation in some areas of the business, many commercial lines insurers also came to realize how unprepared they were for the digital demands resulting from
KALEIDOSCOPE Podcast banner image
In this episode of Kaleidoscope, we discuss the legalization of marijuana in the workplace, the impact and challenges it can create, and most importantly, how employers can navigate the risk.

bySusan Touissant

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