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' The past two years are clear evidence of how commercial lines adapted to a rapidly changing world, especially underwriting. Now, insurers are accelerating their plans to move their underwriting
Robotic process automation is a powerful tool that can improve operations in a myriad of ways. When employed correctly, RPA can help employees free up as much as 30% capacity

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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In this episode of Kaleidoscope, we discuss the latest cutting-edge health care methods used by psychologists to care for injured workers experiencing mental health challenges.

byFrank Pennachio

Many operations stop after getting the essentials down. According to the Nolan Company’s Stephen Murphy, to consistently deliver excellent service and be a true “Center of Excellence” the operation must

byStephen Murphy

If hitting a target only involved aim, every company would be hitting the mark. The fact is most aren’t. Why? Insurers that want to achieve profitable growth must factor multiple

bySteve Discher

Find out how our Insurance Experience Center made a difference for one MGA, enabling them to meet service commitments and spend more time focused on sales production.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Outsourcing employee benefits administration is a powerful way for brokers to ease the pressure on their employees and provide consistent, memorable experiences to clients.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

The term “lapsed” refers to an insurance license that the holder does not renew at the time of its expiration date, but which state regulators have yet to administratively terminate.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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In this episode of Kaleidoscope, we discuss new and innovative strategies that will forever change how you view the future of managing health care costs.

bySusan Touissant

As insurance professionals continue to retire in large numbers, how is the industry responding and what roles are needed most? Four key trends, along with recent Strategy Meets Action (SMA)

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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