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Checking policies for accuracy and completeness is commonly perceived as an administrative task, with many agencies using policy checking as a training ground for junior and early-career associates. Unfortunately, this

byBrenda Grow

' 2022 is presenting new challenges that are forcing insurers to shift their channel focus—while initiatives remain aggressive, insurers are scaling back and being more cautious as major transformation continues

byMark Breading

Certificates of insurance are more complex than they appear. Agencies may not realize just how much time, effort, and risk responding to those requests and issuing certificates can entail, making

byBrenda Grow

In order to place a risk with a surplus lines carrier, the retail/producing agent involved must complete a diligent effort search. There are a few exceptions to this requirement. The

byResource Pro Editorial Team

When businesses think of automation, many envision straight-through processes that occur quickly and without any human intervention, or as a solution that is easy to implement and simple to maintain.

byJustin Reisinger

Insurers have reexamined their strategies amid new demands as underwriting departments experience waves of changes. Now, new research shows the results of insurers’ efforts in transforming their underwriting businesses, and
Businesses registering with the Secretary of State’s Office or seeking to add a “DBA” name to their insurance license and/or Certificate of Authority often express surprise when we mention newspaper

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Find out how our Insurance Experience Center helped one insurance broker overcome the challenges of servicing small commercial accounts while maintaining operating margins.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Today's MGAs and MGUs look vastly different than they did ten years ago. The insurtech boom brought new tech capabilities to the space, including digital and analytics platforms, that have

byHeather Turner

The role of the Designated Responsible Licensed Producer is to personally guarantees the entity’s regulatory compliance for specific lines of authority. When choosing your Designated Responsible Licensed Producer, there are

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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