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With over fifty different limited lines of authority on offer in various states, it would seem to be the most unlimited type of insurance. It’s actually very simple; limited lines

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Big data is ever-growing and always changing. By bringing all the data that matters into a unified, organized, and accurate source of truth, companies can unlock meaningful insights from the

byResource Pro Editorial Team

With valuations continuing to rise, insurance businesses looking to expand through mergers and acquisitions are increasingly turning to a different strategy: the producer lift-out. By hiring away top talent, a

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Personal lines insurance rarely sticks with the status quo for long. Societal forces, such as the pandemic and inflation, paired with ongoing changes across the industry, are pressing insurers to

byMark Breading

In a survey we conducted this year, we found that not knowing where to begin was greatest barrier. Discover more of our findings in our latest blog.

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Often, agencies update their list of directors, officers, and similar leaders on their annual/biennial returns. Whether and when annual returns are due can vary based on the state and the

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Insurance is a knowledge-intensive business. Acquiring this expertise represents a sizeable investment of time and money for both the individual and their employer. That’s why every successful insurance agency needs

byResource Pro Editorial Team

` Getting a new division up and running quickly can be a challenge, especially in today’s highly competitive talent market. Here’s how a leading third-party claims administrator was able to

byResource Pro Editorial Team

KALEIDOSCOPE Podcast banner image
` ` In this episode of Kaleidoscope, we discuss the significance, complexity, and evolution of education in the insurance industry.

byFrank Pennachio

As insurers and state regulators tally losses from Hurricane Ian, climate experts advise bracing for more intense storms as “traditional” weather patterns shift. To handle claims arising from such CAT

byResource Pro Editorial Team

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