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CES has become one of the biggest auto shows in the world—but rather than focusing on new models and styling, the orientation is toward the most advanced technology capabilities and

byMark Breading

More and more states are beginning to enforce their versions of the NAIC’s Insurance Data Security Model Law. While high-profile hacks and a general rise in cybercrime levels continue to

byResource Pro Editorial Team

A client planning an ambitious launch in the United States was not as familiar with the market and had limited staff to meet its short-term growth goals. The client needed

byResource Pro Editorial Team

We highlight the five major themes from the CES Las Vegas 2023 that insurance companies should watch for, including some new trends as of this year and ongoing themes from

byMark Breading

Small commercial insurers are in a unique position in the insurance industry. While the personal lines segment often pioneers the latest innovations first in the industry, small commercial carriers are

byMark Breading

' Commercial lines insurers have endured numerous ups and downs in 2022, leading to further uncertainty about the stability of markets worldwide. Undoubtedly, insurers are planning for events that may

byHeather Turner

Each year, we cover a wide range of topics on our blog to help insurance organizations stay up to date on the top trends in the industry, navigate common challenges,

byResource Pro Editorial Team

' The mid to large commercial lines segment has worked extensively to evolve the distribution ecosystem through new partnerships and expansion strategies. However, according to new ReSource Pro Consulting research,

byMark Breading

As insurers continue their transformations, they should also explore other pathways that will enable them to evolve into a carrier of choice, stay competitive, and pursue growth; business process management

byResource Pro Editorial Team

KALEIDOSCOPE Podcast banner image
' ' In this episode, we discuss impactful strategies for developing talent, maintaining culture amid the shift to remote work, and providing employees with the skills necessary to effectively collaborate.

bySusan Touissant

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