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Mergers and acquisitions have reached record heights for brokers in recent years. At the same time, rate increases and tightening in the admitted insurance market are causing more business to

byResource Pro Editorial Team

' The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst for technological change across the insurance industry, especially within personal lines. Although it may not be accurate to classify our current era as

byHeather Turner

One of the great things about a career in our industry is the ability to pursue it anywhere, especially these days with more companies adopting remote-working strategies. Simply notify state

byResource Pro Editorial Team

To achieve long-term growth, a carrier sought to expand into new lines of business and diversify geographically with new products & channels. Throughout this journey, the client needed to maintain

byResource Pro Editorial Team

' There are arguments both for and against the near-term emergence and impact of the Metaverse. It is fun to think about how it may dramatically alter human existence in

byMark Breading

Understanding the needs of stakeholders and allocating investments accordingly to enhance digital capabilities not only improves the customer experience of agents and policyholders but also delivers greater efficiencies internally.

byMark Breading

Most insurance businesses grow through a mixture of organic growth and acquisitions or mergers. Each approach has its advantages and challenges. Finding the right balance between these strategies is critical

byResource Pro Editorial Team

Automation is a powerful tool for insurance agencies. But do you have a full view of the cost, steps, and time required to develop, customize, and manage bots? Here’s what

byJuniper Wettengel and Justin Reisinger

KALEIDOSCOPE Podcast banner image
In this episode of Kaleidoscope, we host an open discussion on the impact of mental pressures, improving mental performance with personal development and the three phases of leadership.

byFrank Pennachio

' Previously, we have discussed major trends including mobility, electrification, sustainability, and digital experience, but how will these emerging trends impact P&C insurers now and in the future? We've categorized

byMark Breading

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