
Resource Pro Editorial Team

ReSource Pro Experts featured in Insurance Journal


ReSource Pro experts were prominently featured in the latest Insurance Journal article, contributing valuable ideas on optimizing sales, marketing, and agency management. They cover a range of topics, from AI implementation suggestions to the value of leveraging data to enhance client relationships. We’re proud to be both a leader in innovation and a strategic partner to the insurance industry, and our people are at the core of everything we do for clients.  

See the experts featured in Insurance Journal, and discover their highlighted insights below: 

Explore Technology, Data & AI 

43. AI Beginnings.

Start small with AI while keeping big goals in mind. Begin with targeted pilot projects that have low barriers to entry, clear success criteria, and a dedicated team responsible for the results. Celebrate both successes and failures. Using the professional version of ChatGPT is an easy and accessible way to get started.

— Chris Watkins, ReSource Pro 

47. Pick the Right Technology.

Right now, AI is the big trend in insurtech – and it has its uses. But it is not the solution to every problem. When adopting technology, look for solutions that meet your specific needs.

— Chris Watkins, ReSource Pro 

50. Work with Partners.

While there is still a place for small mom and pop shops, most growing agencies work with consultants and technology partners to create the competitive edge they need to grow and help their workforce. Take the time to find the partners that are the best fit for your business.

Brittany Boyer, ReSource Pro

52. Be Nimble.

The industry is rapidly adapting to changing customer needs, as well as environmental and regulatory changes. The businesses that keep themselves flexible will be in the best position to fill niches and respond with agility to new opportunities.

Brittany Boyer, ReSource Pro


The Right Talent 

56. Invaluable Teams.

Include the right team members especially when making decisions about technology. Always remember, your team is the agency face your clients see.

Sankha Basu, ReSource Pro

58. Hire Expertise with Experience.

There is a global workforce with every imaginable type of training and experience. Look for the right balance that will set your business up for success.

Sankha Basu, ReSource Pro 


Team Effort 

81. Knowledge is Precious.

As veterans continue to retire out of the industry, expertise is becoming increasingly scarce. When working with a partner, find one with a wealth of knowledge that you can tap.

Saima Shaukat, ReSource Pro 


Stay Focused on Learning 

83. Stay Informed.

There is a wealth of data and research on current trends and the state of the insurance industry. In our current data-driven world, it never hurts to have a wealth of information at your disposal.

Chris Watkins, ReSource Pro


Planning and Strategy

92. Use Research.

Customers already have an informed buying opinion, with 81% conducting online research before contacting you. You already have valuable data about their behaviors and preferences. Use this data as well as internal data to build stronger relationships and drive sales.

Saima Shaukat, ReSource Pro


 You can read the full article here. 


  • People
  • Process
  • Strategy
  • Technology


Resource Pro Editorial Team