
Resource Pro Editorial Team

3 Posts to Expand Your Insurance Automation Knowledge


Brush Up on Your Automation Knowledge

Want to know more about the surprising cost of implementing automation in insurance or how integrating bots into insurance roles will impact the industry’s talent shortage? Here are three of our top posts on automation to help you gain a better understanding of this evolving technology.

The Hidden Cost of Automation in Insurance

Automation is a powerful tool but jumping at a solution without realizing the true cost could lead you to invest more than you originally intended. In many cases, when you consider both the development and maintenance cost of bots, it could take years to achieve a positive return on investment.

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We know bots will transform how the industry operates, but what will a digitally enabled workforce look like and how will automation impact the talent crisis? We spoke with Sathya Sethuraman, Director of Global Insurance Practice at UiPath, to discover the answers to these questions and more.

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How to Identify Automation Opportunities

Many processes in insurance operations can be automated, but not all are a right-fit. In this post, we break down what makes a task ideal for automation and what steps are involved in developing, deploying, and maintaining a bot.

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Resource Pro Editorial Team