The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has long been a beacon for groundbreaking innovations, showcasing the latest advancements in technology across various industries. This year was no different, but one topic stood out in particular. A major focus at CES 2024 was the new technologies addressing human security needs, from personal health and public safety to agriculture and economic stability. In fact, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), the organization behind CES, is a partner in the Human Security for All (HS4A) global campaign, which aims to cultivate collaboration and innovation across all industries and countries to improve the human experience. Aligned with this initiative, the 2024 event showcased many solutions to help individuals, businesses, and governments create safer and more sustainable living for all. Here are a few notable examples:
Digital Health: The convergence of technology and healthcare was evident in the selection of personal health monitoring devices at CES. Exhibitors highlighted wearables capable of tracking vital signs, monitoring sleep patterns, and even detecting potential health emergencies, which can help to save lives, as well as reduce costs. There were also technologies that provide individuals with greater access to care and more control over their wellness, such as BeamO, a device that evaluates temperature, heartrate, and respiratory system activity in a home environment.
Public Safety Systems: Amid a countrywide gun violence epidemic, some companies are now leveraging AI and other technologies to promote security and safety in public places, including schools, arenas, and malls. For example, Bosch’s Gun Detection System uses video and audio tech to detect and alert the presence of a gun or gunshots, allowing for quicker response to active shooter threats.
AgTech: Food security is a critical issue worldwide, with many communities struggling to access clean water and/or nutritious food. New technologies are now aiding in the production of food more efficiently and with less waste and land. AirFarm is one such innovation. The product is an inflatable and portable greenhouse that enables food production anywhere and at any time.
Cybersecurity for all: Cyberattacks are a growing concern, with attacks rising in frequency and severity across industries and households. At CES 2024, many companies showcased solutions to safeguard critical infrastructure, prevent cyberattacks, and ensure the secure transmission of data for a range of different users and businesses.
As seen at CES 2024, many technologies are poised to redefine human security and how we protect ourselves and our communities in the future. The intersection of innovation and security will play a pivotal role in reshaping industries while also introducing new products that change risk assessment for the P&C insurance industry. For example, digital health solutions can have a range of applications in the treatment and rehabilitation of injured workers or auto accident injuries. However, the increased use of connected devices and the integration of AI in products also pose new challenges, such as cyber threats and privacy concerns. Insurance companies will have to adapt to a changing risk landscape. Providers must leverage new solutions to minimize and mitigate risks, while also adjusting coverages to insure resulting exposures.