
Resource Pro Editorial Team

4 Productivity Hacks for Insurance Professionals in 2020


How to Make the Most of the New Year

Gif of text 2019 turning into 2020

The new year is the perfect time to reflect on what has worked in the past, while also setting new goals for the future. Make room for increased productivity in your insurance organization by reading these inspiring articles.

  1. Take a Good Look at Your Processes

We often get stuck in a “putting-out-fires” mindset, tackling issues as they come and deploying solutions as needed. We engage with external providers to patch together the most cost-effective fix. But is this the best approach? In this post, ReSource Pro’s Nikki Jason writes about how to clear the path for scalable growth.

Cartoon dog drinking coffee surrounded by flames saying "this is fine."
  1. Sprinkle in Some Fun

Happier employees put more back into the company. Bringing fun things into the work day can energize your staff and encourage them to give more of themselves to tasks. Read Michael de Waal’s article in Insurance Thought Leadership on a few ideas on how to bring fun into the office to boost productivity.

Dogs bouncing balloon on nose.
  1. Become a Better Googler

Steve Anderson, author of The Bezos Letters and insurance productivity guru, is always looking for shortcuts that will make tracking down info quicker and easier. Read this article on hacks for improving the quality and speed of your Google-based research for common insurance tasks.

  1. Recognize Your Employees

Giving praise, especially in public, is one of the best motivators and morale boosters to ensure that your teams are operating at their peak. Don’t let your team suffer from lack of praise! Read insurance veteran Paul Springman’s article on why this is so important.

Homer Simpson at baseball game giving team high fives

Are you ready to do more in 2020?

Spark your productivity by attending workshops and master classes designed to amplify your individual, team and company-wide impact at ReSource Pro’s Boot Camp. For the first time, the event is happening in both March and September, so there’s no excuse not to meet your productivity goals in 2020!


Resource Pro Editorial Team